Tuesday, July 17, 2007

And the award goes to...

Well, after a very long day of helping my parents pack up their home of twenty years, I came home to a very nice surprise: A gash in my right big toe from dropping an iron bell on it. But that's not all-- Elizabeth, from The Whole Family, nominated me for a Rockin' Girl Blogger! Yeah, I know, I can hardly believe it myself. To all my fans: Mom, Dad, Bro, I just want to say...No, I did not pay her off.

I have been called many things in my life, but never Rockin. Did you hear that kids? Mommy's cool! Honestly, the only award I ever thought I deserved was that of World's Best Negotiator. I'm pretty sure if I can convince my son that the McDonald's down the street is closed on weekdays, then I can negotiate any hostage situation. Nonetheless, this award is greatly appreciated, and well, it makes the carpal tunnel in my left wrist, oh so worth it!

Now, I must fulfill my duties to pass on the award to five more Rockin' Girl Bloggers: (Note, I had technical difficulties in nominating five bloggers as I only have time to read approximately one post per week, due to my three unruly children and their "projects." So, I picked one. Maybe some day I'll be able to pick four more. Unfortunately, today is not that day.)

My pick is Shannon at Rocks in my Dryer--She's hilarious, in fact I was just laughing out loud reading her "About Me" section. Also, I think she must be one of those bionic women or something: she has four kids, and she makes their clothes! Need I say more.

Save a Life
