Sunday, July 15, 2007

Come Gather at Our Table

I decided to join in on a photo tag that Lori has going on at Glass Half Full. It's a post about your family table, so I came up with a list of reasons why I love my family table.

1. I love that it came from my parents house when they were a young family.

2. I love that the legs have been painted over a million times, each time to suit my mom's or my current decor.

3. I love that each time I've had a baby, I added another leaf to it, so it fits our expanding family.

4. I love that its where my daughter recites commercials or tells us long, drawn out, detailed stories of what she did that day.

5. I love that the paint marks that were left on it from being in my Dad's garage , are right down the middle, so I can cover them up with a table runner.

6. I love that it has marks on it from where my son banged his fork when he was a baby.

7. I love that it's where my three year old son tells us knock-knock jokes that make no sense to us, but are completely hysterical to him and his sister.

8. I love that it's where my baby learned how to fold his hands to pray.

9. I love that it's where my family gathers every night to eat, laugh and often cry about each of our days.

10. Even though it's immensely imperfect, and worn out, I love it because it's mine.

I imagine that's how God feels about us--full of scratches and paint, but His nonetheless.

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