Sunday, September 09, 2007

Sunday's Best

Sunday mornings at my home are completely chaotic. My husband and I usually try to grab every last second of sleep we can, before we have to get up for church. We procrastinate to the very last second. As we are lying in bed, we convince ourselves that it is totally possible to get five people dressed and ready in 35 minutes. We are foolish. It can't be done.

No surprise to me, this morning was no different. As I felt my son jump on my bed and nearly crack my shin, I rolled over and asked my incoherent husband what time it was. He mumbled, "around 7." Well, if it's only 7am, and we have to leave for worship practice by 9:15, then we've got another half hour to sleep. As I strolled into the playroom to bribe my children to watch a show so I could steal some shuteye, I passed by the clock and it said 7:55! That guy better start repenting!

Long story short, the mad dash to find clothes for everyone began. I managed to dress everyone but myself. I literally took out every article of clothing from my closet and tried it on, but to no avail. On Sunday's, I attempt to retire my olive oil stained cotton t-shirts, and ripped up jeans, for something, a bit well...cleaner. Yeah, I'm not worried about some major frilly dress here, just basic, out-in-public attire. But this morning, nope...could not be done. I couldn't find anything. By the time I was dressed, my room looked like it had been ransacked by wild animals. I'm lucky I made it out of there alive.
Contrary to the distress of this morning, I managed to walk away with some very useful lessons for the future. I'd like to share them with you.

What I learned this morning:

1)You gain at least 10 pounds on Sunday mornings.

2)Never eat potato chips on Saturday night. Even if they're baked.

3)Kmart has a surprisingly fashionable clothing line, when you're in a pinch.

4)If you trash your bedroom getting dressed for church, the mess will still be there when you get home.

5)My dryer is broken, it shrinks all my clothes.

6)There is no shame in wearing Spanx.

7)When God said, "May your cup overfloweth," He did not mean, take a second helping.

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